Marco Rodolfo Alessandro Bozzetti received a master’degree in electronic engineer graduated from the Polytechnic of Milan, he is the founder and director of Malabo S.r.l (, a management consultancy company on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) active since February 2001.
Through Malabo, Marco has conducted and continues to conduct, together with his collaborators, interventions at companies and institutions on both the supply and demand side of ICT.
Marco worked with increasing responsibilities in leading production companies, such as Olivetti and Italtel, and consultancy companies, such as Arthur Andersen Management Consultant and GEA/GEALAB, as well as being the first CIO of the entire ENI Group (1995-2000). In this position he carried out the outsourcing of the entire Group's ICT infrastructure, at that time one of the largest outsourcing in Italy and Europe. At the beginning of his career, within Olivetti and the CREI of the Polytechnic of Milan, he was one of the first researchers worldwide to deal with internetworking, starting from his degree thesis entitled "Rounting and Internetworking".
During his career Marco founded/directed/was a partner of various ICT companies, including CA.SI, Abiemme, Ibimaint System Engineering, System Engineering, ClickICT.
In the 90s and until 2003 he created and coordinated EITO, European Information Technology Observatory, an annual European survey on the ICT market and ICT trends for SMAU and the main. Since 2009 he has designed and carried out every year the OAD survey, the Observatory of Digital Attacks in Italy (
At a consultancy level, countless technical-organizational interventions have been carried out on the information systems of medium and large private companies, as well as some public bodies, having the main objective of aligning ICT with business, innovating it and generating effectively measurable value. The main fields of intervention include the governance and management of an information system (ITIL, COBIT, ISO e NIST standards), digital security, the analysis and management of ICT risks and their impacts (BIA), the design of ICT architectures, rationalization, definition and support of ICT strategies, the assessment of ICT competences, skills and roles, the analysis of the value for ICT, innovation through ICT, support for compliance with various regulations , in particular to privacy according to the GDPR. In all his courses he included his direct experience with real cases of intervention in companies/institutions in which he carried out consultancy and/or carried out design and implementation interventions.
Marco was President and Vice President of FidaInform, of SicurForum in FTI and of the ClubTI of Milan, as well as a member of the Innovative Tertiary Council of Assolombarda.
He is currently Honorary President of AIPSI, Italian Association of IT Security Professionals (, the Italian Chapter of the worldwide ISSA (, after being President from 2016 to the end of 2024. He is also on the Board of Directors and Treasurer of FIDAInform (, member and auditor of the ClubTI of Milan (, member of AICA ( Since 2023 he has participated as an expert for AIPSI and Malabo in the European initiative ESSA ( on software development skills.
He is ITIL v3 certified and EUCIP Professional Certificate “Security Adviser”. He is an Exam Commissioner in AICA for eCFPlus certifications (EN 16234-UNI 11506).
He has published numerous articles and books on technological evolution, digital security, regulations, scenarios and impacts of ICT. The list of the published articles and books is annexed at the end of this page.
For his curricula, see the attachments at the end of this page