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Digital transformation


yqPZbnNxQkN3hMJsz Digital Tranformation bando decreto Ministero Mise trasformazione digitale web internet

Digital transformation is now a necessity for almost all Italian (and European) companies/public entities in order to operate effectively and efficiently in the modern world, promoted and encouraged also by incentives at national and European level.

It is not always clear what this transformation means, and above all what it implies and entails.

Digital transformation is the process of transforming the entire company/entity thanks to the systematic, integrated and collaborative use of digital systems in all the activities and processes of the company/entity, from administrative-accounting to human resources management, from logistics to marketing and sales, from industrial automation to robotics.

Digital transformation has the primary objective of improving the creation of value (business) and making the company/public entity truly competitive in an increasingly internationalized and digital world.

The pervasive use of digital systems and services, from mobile phones to PCs, from servers to the cloud, involves strong transformations in the operating methods of personnel, in processes, in organization, and is also driven, but not only, by the dynamic and rapid evolution of digital technologies.

The evolution of the business method, and for public bodies of the activities and services to be offered, in addition to the use of innovative digital tools and services, involves the change of processes and internal organization, and the possible change of the supply chains upstream and downstream of the Company/Public Entity, from suppliers to customers: all mainly as new digital methods to communicate and interoperate, with the consequent need for training and education of the personnel involved, internal and external.

Malabo, with its internal experts and those of partner companies specialized in different sectors and processes, offers an integrated and multidisciplinary solution, gradually applicable also to small and medium-sized structures, and based on its methodological framework, which uses and contextualizes, in an effective and efficient manner, frameworks, international standards and European/Italian regulations, such as COBIT, ISO, ITIL, NIST, NIS2, DORA, etc.



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