Organisation, roles, skills and ICT certifications
The organisation aspects and actual skills of Staff, which takes care of Company/Institution Information System, are essential for its effective and efficient fuctioning.
Most strategic and operation problems regarding IS governance and management of a Company/Institution generally due to inefficiences in organisation and to Staff technical and managerial skills. Many of the skills required often cannot be found in medium and small-sized Company/Institution,in view of the costs in order to fullfil these skills in the ever-changing ICT field. Therefore, it is necessary to outsource these functions and activities, which must be still integrated with e controlled inside by Company/Institution.
Thanks to the contribution of internal and external partners and experience gained in over twenty years, Malabo shall help the Customer:
- to improve his internal organisational structure for ICT systems by identifying key activities and processes, main roles and liabilities, taking into account of specific situation and the most established best practices - framework and standard, from ISO to Cobit and Itil
- to identifity the potential and most appropriate outsourcings, by indicating the necessary contractual clauses with selected outsourcers;
- to produce and promote the policies, guide lines and organisational procedures for correct functioning and managing of whole Information System;
- to verifiy the IS Staff's technical and managerial skills, including soft and hard skills, highlighting their alignment and any definciecies respect to therequirements for their role.The skills for each job profile/role, including their level of detail, refer to standard eCF v. 3.0, suitable for all EU countries.
- to support the IS leading figures of organisational structure which want to achieve suitable certifications, starting with those relating eCF.
Furthermore, the organisational aspetcs, skills and roles associated to Company/Instution's Information System, must be refer to requirements resulting from many norms and stanards, both italian and european, above all GDPR Privacy.
- The potentially intervening on ICT organisational structure and on staff skills overmentioned are different and feasible at different times, but they are closely interralated and interdependent: Malabo's approach is integrated but flexible, and is implemented on specific needs and bounds of Client, first of all those related to his budget.
Who we work
- ICT Companies and Institutions, on the supply and the demand side
- Entrepreneurs and top decision-makers of Company/Institution
- Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Chief of computer networks and various IS application environments
- HR Manager
- Business Unit Manager
Customer Benefits
- Obtaining a clear framework which sets out the organisational and skills gap inherent to own Information System and how to fill this gap.
- Malabo's Staff
- il personale di Malabo è in grado di parlare in maniera competente ed autorevole sia coi responsabili tecnici del SI (e dei loro fornitori ICT) sia con i decisore di vertice del Cliente, in particolare quelli delle Risorse Umane
- Following a step by step approach, but integrated and with clear ultimate goals in the improvement of organisational aspects and of staff skills.