To be effective and efficient, Malabo, thanks to the skills and experience of its collaborators, has methodologically engineered the most frequently requested interventions, and that can more easily be based on international standards and best practices, creating online tools on the Internet, often in the cloud , which can be left in "service" to customers.
These services, showed in the above figure, are detailed in the related web pages and include:
- ACROICT for the analysis of ICT skills, roles and organisational structeres for IT
- ARICT for the analysis and management of ICT risks
- AVICT Analysis of the value of ICT for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the ICT contribution to the value of the business/of the whole company/organisational unit.
- AVULlCT, ICT vulnerability analysis and management
- GOSI, Operational Management Information System
- ICTAssetM, ICT Assett Management
- SLA Watch for functional and performance control (KPI and SLA) of in-house, outsourced or cloud ICT services
- SoC, Security Operation Centre
- TT-HD, Trouble Ticketing - Helpd Desk
For any request or clarification on these services send an e-mail message to