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The approach and methodologies followed by Malabo Srl in its interventions

Malabo's approach to its ICT intervents for clients revolves around the understanding that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) serves as a tool to support and enhance business operations. This philosophy ensures that ICT is seen not merely as a technical component but as a driver of business processes.

Key Principles:

  1. Alignment Between Business and ICT:
    • Malabo emphasizes the importance of ensuring that ICT systems and strategies are consistently aligned with the business needs at both strategic and operational levels.
    • This involves a continuous evaluation to ensure that the technology in place is always evolving to meet business demands and technological advancements, such as the impact of the Internet, the shift toward remote work due to the Covid-19 pandemic, or the adoption of agile methodologies.
  2. Business-Centric Approach:
    • The business is always the central and reference point in all ICT-related work, driving the design of processes, organizational structures, and the necessary technological support.
    • ICT should support and enhance the business, not operate in isolation from it. This ensures that technology solutions are practical and directly relevant to the client’s core operations.
  3. Delivering Measurable Results:
    • Malabo's interventions are designed to provide measurable outcomes that lead to tangible value for the client, which could range from cost savings to process efficiencies or improved productivity.
    • The ultimate goal is to enable clients to use technology effectively and efficiently to achieve business success.
  4. Professional, Ethical, and Knowledge-Driven Relationships:
    • Malabo strives to build professional relationships that are not just transactional but grounded in ethics, authority, and up-to-date knowledge.
    • A key aspect of this approach is the transfer of knowledge to the client's team, enabling them to take ownership and continue evolving their use of ICT solutions independently.
  5. Integrated, Flexible Framework:
    • Over the years, Malabo has developed a flexible and integrated vision for its consultancy services.
    • This framework is designed to be adaptive to various types of client needs, incorporating consulting capacity at its core, from which further interventions like system design, implementation, integration, and training branch out.
    • Malabo’s approach ensures that it can address a wide array of ICT needs, tailoring each intervention to the client's unique requirements.
  6. Reference to International Standards:
    • Malabo’s interventions are not only based on its own expertise but also align with international standards and best practices, ensuring the quality and reliability of the solutions provided.
    • By drawing on well-established frameworks and methodologies, Malabo is able to offer global best practices that are locally applicable.


The figure outlines the main phases involved in Malabo’s interventions, possibly breaking down the process into stages like design, implementation, integration, and support/training, while aligning with global standards and frameworks.


 Framework interventi Malabo


This framework ensures that all of Malabo’s services are well-structured and offer clear value while also fostering ongoing business-ICT alignment.



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